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Your Nutrition Therapy Business Deserves…

Expert Patient Care

Patient-centered care that drives business success.

Symbolizing sustainable business strategies for nutrition solutions.
Representing patient-centered care.

Optimized Revenue Cycle Performance

Mitigate risk and yield clean RCM results.

Symbolizing sustainable business strategies for nutrition solutions.
 Reflecting optimized revenue cycles.

Sustainable Growth

Winning strategy for sustainable growth

Symbolizing sustainable business strategies for nutrition solutions.
Growth icon - Symbolizing sustainable business strategies.

Is your nutrition business thriving and reaching its greatest potential?

Nutrition therapy financial and operational performance can yield suboptimal results when managed like standard drug therapies.   The home nutrition support patient has unique challenges beginning with intake all the way through to reimbursement.  We can partner with you to successfully navigate those challenges.   

Symbolizing the fluidity and seamless navigation of Salt & Lyte Nutrition in the dynamic field of home infusion nutritions

Expert Patient Care

Exceptional Clinical Value

Optimized patient outcomes that drive repeat business

Audit enduring clinical documentation

Streamline HPN formulas to reduce COG’s and optimize clean room efficiency

Prioritize valuable RPh time for overall site and therapy management

Expert Registered Dietitian consulting and staffing services

  • Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition census management

  • Flexible schedule and remote access options

  • Relief staffing (training, conferences, projects, etc.)

  • FMLA and PTO coverage

Our Team of Registered Dietitians

Extensive experience in the complex management of home nutrition support patients​

Registered with the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR)

Licensed in applicable states

Possess advanced board certified credentials in nutrition

Symbolizing the fluidity and seamless navigation of Salt & Lyte Nutrition in the dynamic field of home infusion nutritions

Optimized Revenue Cycle Performance

Improve pull-through rate for prior authorizations

Customized training for your clinical & RCM teams

Design and implement general and payor specific clinical documentation pathways

Understand criteria & requirements for

  • Commercial payor policies

  • Medicare & Medicaid

Peer to Peer process development and support

Multidisciplinary collaboration with pharmacy and clinical teams yielding cost containment

Survive your audits!

  • Pre/Post-payment audit support for commercial and government payors  (RAC, CERT, etc)

  • Structuring audit resilient processes

Symbolizing the fluidity and seamless navigation of Salt & Lyte Nutrition in the dynamic field of home infusion nutritions
Growth icon - Symbolizing sustainable business strategies.

Sustainable Growth

Customized Business Support

Nutrition Program design and implementation

Clinical training and competency resources

Policy and procedure development

Prep for ACHC Distinction in Nutrition Support Accreditation

Sales and Marketing Support

Grow your nutrition business

Drive loyal, repeat referrals

Customized marketing material

Branded order forms

Field team training

Subject Matter Expert support for presentations. meetings, conventions & conferences

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